Sequel to The Deepest Waters Almost Here

Wanted to let you know, the Long-Awaited Sequel to my bestselling novel, The DeepestWaters, is called, THE LONGEST ROAD and it’s AVAILABLE NOW to PREORDER for ONLY $2.99. I’m  hoping to have it ready to release Thanksgiving Weekend.  

If you go online, you’ll see the release date as December 15th. Had to do that to give me time unless there is some delay. But I have every intention of hitting the Thanksgiving Weekend date.


Back Cover Blurb:

It’s October, 1857, just a few years before the Civil War. After recovering a month in New York from the shipwreck that almost took their lives, John and Laura Foster finalize plans to return home to San Francisco. Knowing they must return, both are dreading the voyage. Their plans suddenly change when they learn of a tragedy involving their beloved friend and former slave, Micah. His youngest daughter Hannah, still a slave in Virginia, has been mercilessly torn from the arms of her husband and sold to a wicked slaveowner from the Deep South. Her brother Eli knows Hannah will never submit to the evil schemes of this slaveowner. Unsure of how to find her, John and Laura embark on an epic journey—together with Micah and Eli—hoping to somehow rescue Hannah…before it’s too late.

Stay Safe,
