Movie Producer in LA Gives Interview about Reunion Movie

This is for those of you following the journey of my novel, The Reunion, being made into a feature film.

Two nights ago my friend, Frank DeMartini, did a live radio interview on the LA Live Talk Radio show, in LA. Frank is one of the two producers turning The Reunion into a film. The other is Nick Vallelonga (Oscar-winning writer/producer of Green Book). Nick wrote the screenplay for Reunion and also wants to be its director.

Here’s the Link to the interview:

The first 20 minutes or so of this interview, Frank is asked about his fascinating 20-plus year career producing movies in Hollywood (he’s seen it all). Frank also shares that he’s involved in the upcoming movie, Reagan, starring Dennis Quaid.

At about 21:11 of the video, they ask him about what he’s working on now, and Frank talks all about he and Nick’s efforts developing Reunion into a film (and he says some really great things about the book). Hoping and praying we can get this film done now that things in the movie biz are starting to pick up again. After Frank is done talking about Reunion, they go on to talk about other things for the rest of the hour.