Exciting Development – My Next Novel

Some of you may know, I’ve been writing 2 books a year the last 14 years (now have 28, if you can do higher math in your head). I was feeling a little tapped out, so I decided to take some time off (haven’t written much since my last novel came out in Oct). I tried starting Book 3 in that newer series, got a couple of chapters done, but I was really having a hard time creating anything other than a “Here’s what the characters are up to now” kind of thing.

Then I remembered this romantic suspense story I had wanted to write way back in 2012, right after The Deepest Waters. My publisher loved the story, but they turned it down, since they had just decided my “brand” should be the “Nicholas Sparks of Christian Fiction.” So, they didn’t want me to write anything set earlier than WW2. This novel is set in 1912.

I pulled it out and got very excited about the story. Talked it over with Cindi, and she thinks THIS should be my next book. It’s called The Perfect Stranger. Here’s the cover (will be very close to this, if not this).

Plan to start writing Chapter 1 tomorrow.